Art Resources
course and project resources
Useful art linksWebsite links to lots of useful resources. | Art SuppliesBuying art supplies | Course ResourcesFor weekly art courses running this term. |
Art ResearchShare your views about an Artist, Artwork or Exhibition
email me & include photos: | CompositionFind out how composition affects your art and ways you can use composition in your work. | 7 elements of artLine - Colour - Shape - Form - Space - Value - Texture. |
Mark makingExplore the art of mark-making in different mediums. | Gelli PrintingGelli plate printing resources; links and videos. | Sketchbook ideasResources for sketchbook ideas and exersices. |
PortraitsHandouts and resources all about portraits. | Natural historyResources focusing on natural history and botanical art. | Images for ProjectsPhotos used in on demand learning and studio-based projects. |
Narratives - AllegoryResources for those wanting to study aspects of narratives or allegory in art. | Religious artResources exploring various aspects of relegious art in different cultures. | War art - PropagandaResources for those studying War art and propaganda. |
Veduta - CapriccioResources about Veduta "views" and Cappriccio"architectural fantasy". | Light in artProject resources for those studying how light is depicted in art. | Godseye weavingHandouts and video clips to get your started weaving your own Ojo de Dios. |
Vanitas - Memento moriResources about Vanitas and Memento mori - paintings reflecting the transition of life into death. | CrochetUseful resources for those staarting to learn crochet. | Seaweed pressingInteresting guides about seaweed pressing. |