What makes a good abstract painting? All representational paintings are to some extent abstracted but what makes a Rothko or Pollock painting so special? I think it needs to touch our emotions but I have found this quite hard to produce.
Hi George I must say I’ve always struggled with abstract art. I find it hard to find a datum or anchor to which I can start from? It bothers me that I cannot see what others are seeing. Sometimes I think my problem is I’m just not getting the message the artist is sending out! When I first looked at your painting my first thought was of a highly magnified geological structure, then you say it’s a waterfall! Maybe my first impression was not too far wrong as waterfalls can expose these hidden elements in rocks?
I think you need to stop worrying about what you can or can't see in the work and think about how it makes you feel. It may be that you just like the colours or shapes. Sometimes in a gallery it all gets a bit monotonous, so the best work can be the one that I hate the most. At least it's caused a reaction! 😏
Thank you Mark. I can also see geological structures in my painting, the flow of lava, energy..... I think everyone will experience it in their own way. I have found looking at the microscopic world by zooming in with a camera enables me to see patterns, shapes and colours that lend themselves well to abstract art. The reverse is also fascinating e.g. some of the Hubble telescope images. What is interesting is that someone like Pollock can just seemingly pour paint onto a canvas and it is judged positively, I’ve tried it but you wouldn’t want to see it!
This has been an ongoing work for many many weeks with lots of changes along the way. I got the original idea from a fast moving waterfall flowing down different shaped rocks.. Every time I look at the painting I see different things I haven’t observed before. The painting is multi - layered with a limited palette. I may eventually look at changing the texture and use more impasto but will leave it for a while.,
The great thing about abstract work is you can take whatever meaning or emotion you like from it - each person finding something different, probably. The artist may not have intended any meaning at all when it was created. (?)
In this one my eye is drawn to the fuzzy light coloured part that runs diagonally across near the centre and then I look around at all the other parts
I like this. The continuation of the white through the centre works well to draw your eye through the piece. There is a good contrast of tones in the piece that draws you to the centre as well.How long did it take to paint?Are there many layers. It's always a task to know when you've finished.
Interesting points in the comments
Hi George I must say I’ve always struggled with abstract art. I find it hard to find a datum or anchor to which I can start from? It bothers me that I cannot see what others are seeing. Sometimes I think my problem is I’m just not getting the message the artist is sending out! When I first looked at your painting my first thought was of a highly magnified geological structure, then you say it’s a waterfall! Maybe my first impression was not too far wrong as waterfalls can expose these hidden elements in rocks?
Thank you Tricia and Chris.
This has been an ongoing work for many many weeks with lots of changes along the way. I got the original idea from a fast moving waterfall flowing down different shaped rocks.. Every time I look at the painting I see different things I haven’t observed before. The painting is multi - layered with a limited palette. I may eventually look at changing the texture and use more impasto but will leave it for a while.,
The great thing about abstract work is you can take whatever meaning or emotion you like from it - each person finding something different, probably. The artist may not have intended any meaning at all when it was created. (?)
In this one my eye is drawn to the fuzzy light coloured part that runs diagonally across near the centre and then I look around at all the other parts
and I like it!
I like this. The continuation of the white through the centre works well to draw your eye through the piece. There is a good contrast of tones in the piece that draws you to the centre as well. How long did it take to paint? Are there many layers. It's always a task to know when you've finished.