A few linoprint variations based on a photograph I took of pumpkins.
These are so interesting George, I love the detailed carving you’ve made, must have taken ages. I like the green and black prints best. Well done.
Thank you Sonia.
Very interesting selection of ink and paper colours George. It makes such a difference and I find I can’t yet predict how they are going to turn out! It’s a nice image, well done. Helen
Thank you Helen.
Thank you Tricia. Interesting how the background colour affects the linoprint image.
The black and green paper works well. But the peach/orange colour brings out all the detail.
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These are so interesting George, I love the detailed carving you’ve made, must have taken ages. I like the green and black prints best. Well done.
Very interesting selection of ink and paper colours George. It makes such a difference and I find I can’t yet predict how they are going to turn out! It’s a nice image, well done. Helen
Thank you Tricia. Interesting how the background colour affects the linoprint image.
The black and green paper works well. But the peach/orange colour brings out all the detail.