Finalised my sketch for the poetry project. Prepared the tracing to transfer onto lino. I'm planning on cutting each element separately so I can ink up in different colours or in monochrome...... A bit more planning required!
I definitely added more surface texture to the crab, as it would have just been a heavy block of solid colour in the middle of the tiny fish. I also tend to carve my lino, then sketch on some more to cut out. By the time I get to cutting the lino, I've probably drawn the design at least 4 times, so I'm constantly tweaking it and thinking about options as I'm going.
I really like the detail in the lino cut outs and how you achieve that from your drawings.. Very impressive.
Finished cutting my jigsaw lino print. I'll take a test print this afternoon or tomorrow.
Looking forward to seeing how you will develop this project. Thank you for showing us how you work through the different stages.