The shadows were produced by setting up a lamp at 45 degrees with light coming from the left. The limited palette included cadmium yellow ( warm yellow),lemon yellow (cooler), cadmium red ( warm), crimson red ( cooler) , phtalo blue and titanium white. The oranges were painted using a mixture of crimson andlemon yellow. The orange colour produced mixing the cadmium red and cadmium yellow was found to be too vivid.( both have a bias towards red) I decided to paint the background and shadows the same colour. The violet in the bowl and jug was crimson red with pthalo blue and white. Lemon yellow and cadmium yellow were both used for the table surface, with the warmer cadmium yellow coming through in places. Normally I would not paint the background and shadows the same colour but the oranges stand out against the blue. (being compementary colours )and the blue and violet being next to each other in the visible spectrum produces harmony. I think the pthalo blue was perhaps a little too intense, and maybe cobalt blue with a slight green bias may have been a better choice.
Many thanks Tricia.
Oh yes, also, totally reminds me of cezannes' still life....but I guess that's the oranges. 🍊🍊🍊
This is a great description of your work and very helpful to everyone interested in colour mixes. I agree with the pthalo blue mix in the shadows being too much. I think the contrast with the orange probably makes it look bluer than it was on the palette. A slightly more muted mix may have been better. I love the colour of the jug, maybe a deeper version of this could have worked for your shadows??
My favourite part are the shadows in the bowl,beautifully done.Thea.
I agree with Helen, lovely colours.
Lovely bold colours George. A really warm and sunny painting. I think having the shadow and background the same colour works very well.